An Eurorack module based around a Arduino Nano.
With AND, OR, XOR logic functions, a Flip Flip (Q), a Clock Divider mode, and more.
INPUT: input (A) | OUTPUT: AND (or clock / 16) |
INPUT: input (B) | OUTPUT: OR (or clock / 8) |
INPUT: Inverse (INV) | OUTPUT: XOR (or clock / 4) |
INPUT: Clock (CLK) | OUTPUT: Q - Flip Flop (or clock / 2) |
OUTPUT: Inverse of TRIG BUTTON | Trigger on press & release of TRIG BUTTON |
BUTTON: Mode button | BUTTON: Reset button |
Logic functions
- Basic logic funcions AND, OR, XOR (using the first inputs on the left side).
- Flip Flop (Q) (first input will SET, second input will RESET).
- NOT input, or MODE button, to inverse all logic outputs (NAND, NOR, NXOR, NQ)
- CLOCK input, when present, all Logic outputs only are HIGH when CLOCK is HIGH
- RESET button to reset Q and CLOCK
When the TRIG button is pressed (and released):
- A LOW gate is send to the first (left) output. It will be HIGH when the button is not pressed.
- A short pulse is send to the second output on press & release of the button.
- If the module is in Clock Divider mode, the press & release time will set the Clock Tempe if no signal is present on the CLOCK input.
Current mode is set in memory.
- Inputs A & B determines logic outputs (AND, OR, XOR, Q). Where A is set and B is reset for the flipflop (Q).
- If the NOT input is HIGH, all logic outputs are inverted (NAND, NOR, NXOR,NQ)
- Pressing the mode button will inverse all logic outputs (same as when NOT input is HIGH)
- A long press on the mode button will put the module in Clockdivider mode. The mode button will flash.
- The logic outputs will divide the clock (where Q = /2, XOR = /4, OR = /8, AND =/16)
- The clock source is:
- The CLK input
- If no clock is present on the CLK input, a standard 120 BPM clock is used.
- Or, if the trig buttons has been pressed and released, the timing between press and release is used to determine the clock time.
- A long press of the RESET button toggles between external trig options mode on/off. When on, the trig button flashes.
- When external trig mode is on, the first input can function as an external trig for the trig button.
- Use the logic function for all kinds of GATE manipluations, for interesting sequences for example.
- Same for the CLOCK DIVIDER mode.
- Make use of the CLOCK input to quantize the logic outputs with a clock signal.
- Use the TRIG BUTTON (or external trig mode) for changing a GATE into two short TRIGS.
- Use the TRIG BUTTON to fire a LOW gate (patch it into one of the logic function to have a HIGH gate on the OR output).
Example with a Morphagene
One of my main modules in my eurorack case is the Make-Noise Morphagene. One thing that i’d like it to do is:
- Press and hold button to record - currently playing loop is stopped, and recording is started.
- Release button - recording is stopped and starts playing.
To make this work:
- Prepare the Morphagene by setting the
Record option (rsop)
in the options.txt
file on the SD card to ‘1’.
- Patch the TRIGGER output of the TRIG BUTTON to the RECORD input of the Morphagene
- Patch the INVERSE output of the TRIG BUTTOON to the PLAY input of the Morphagene
- When pressing (and holding) the TRIG BUTTON the Morphagene start recording (and stops playing).
- When releasing the TRIG BUTTON the Morphagene stops recording and starts playing.
- If in Clock Divider mode and no Clock signal is present at the CLOCK input, the tempo is set to the time between pressing and releasing the button.
GitHub Repo:
Buying a kit
If you’d like to build this module you can buy a kit with:
- Frontpanel
- 3D printed buttons
Contact me if you are interested.
By Jan den Besten